Moscow Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Moscow.

Meet 209 developer View everyone

ID 108757

Oleg Kozyrev


ID 131255

Roman Nikitin

Geek, hacker and entrepreneur.

ID 154732

Alexey Petrov

Founder, Chief Technology Officer at PENXY, Successful non-profit start-up raised, MIPT alumnus, IT-architect, skilled lead-developer.

ID 253925

Ruslan V (interested in Scala projects)


Scala, C++, Java, C#, server-side development, peer-to-peer networks. Back in 2005 I created Morpheus, the most popular p2p app in North America.

ID 383658

Sergey Bystrov

Founder @lalalama • Worked at @medlinesoft, @diasoft • Studied at @bauman-moscow-state-technical-university

ID 200720

Mike Bobrov

Founder travolver

ID 292001

Nikolay Samokhvalov

MIPT ( CS graduate, successful career from web developer to CEO/founder.

ID 80077

Дмитрий Шестаков

Co-founder, CTO of @yclients, @moresalonov-ru

ID 505349

Vladimir Dyakov

Founder pinbonus • Worked at @finam-global, @softkey-software • Studied at @startup-leadership-program-1

ID 287272

Yuriy Malov

Co-Founder of @Zadaqa. Jack-of-all-trades web developer of 15 years of web development experience in 3 countries.

ID 452038

Alex Kosov

Co-founder of @cad-crowd-cadcrowd-com and @maker6 in the 3D design and 3D printing industry.

ID 192849

Alexey Strelkov

Works at @the-untitled-vc, acting as CTO of various portfolio startups.

ID 62874

Alexander Valencia

CSO at @kuznech

ID 126992

Sergei Surovtsev

Founder IN, @shopster • Worked at @ostrovok • Studied at @moscow-aviation-institute

ID 94952

Sergey Kalachev

Hacker @kown-1 & Angie, Alum Eleven & Seedcamp, Lead dev @zingl (PhD Nuclear Science), +14years experience in developing high-load systems.

ID 127617

Marat Dyatko

Devigner or Deseloper. Worked at @nokia, @ostrovok, @yandex, @livejournal, Qiwi.

ID 328058

Anatoly Sharifulin

Founder Alerter • Worked at @ostrovok

ID 43983

Max Tolstokorov

Co-founder & CEO of @pinpoint. Master of Computer Science TTI SFEDU.

ID 114080

Yaroslav Markin

Founding CTO at @evil-martians, premier Russian agile web development shop. Founder at @amplifr and @oh-my-stats!/yaroslav

ID 306608

Tommy Karyukin

CEO of EDISON Software Development Centre. Engineering success: startup, dotcom, software devt

ID 82879

Nikita Korotaev

Hacker in Residence @glocal-partners, Co-founded @lectrio

ID 109724

Sergey Martynov

Head of Mail.Ru Email Service. Specialist in technology and online business. Advisor to a number of startups.

ID 32244

Dimitrij Aleshkov


Entrepreneur with passion for projects! Husband, father, and owner of small IT companies. Lives in Helsingborg, plays chess and hangs out with friends.

ID 378448

Alexandra Osipova

Founder Be healthy, Directer of business development at Irony Production

ID 175736

Ivan Blinkov

Expert on highload internet projects

ID 437171

Ilya iOS Developer

C++/Objective-C/Python developer. More than 7 years developing apps.

ID 302309

Atai Konushaliev

Founder @octobertech-1, @miki-1 . Serial tech entrepreneur, web developer. I want to make people's lives around the world much better using tech.

ID 228900

Sergey Blinov

Ex Lead Server Dev @kown-1, Ex High load & virtualization Architect @yandex, Supercomputers R&D @lomonosov-moscow-state-university-1

ID 557920

Valery Meleshkin

Founder @gamescale-1 • Employee at @exante, worked for @t-platforms Strong software development background.

ID 328680

Vadim Novitskiy

Provide new information age.

ID 91921

Alexey Poimtsev

Founder and CEO of Progress Engine (development company), co-founder of WebNabludatel (monitoring of violations on President elections in Russia at 2012)

ID 134623

Alex Krivonosov

Microsoft Technologies Evangelist. Windows Phone / Lead Server Developer (Microsoft Azure) at @Angie/@kown-1 , Windows 8 & Windows Phone Developer at @my-apps.

ID 171159

Andrew Pantyukhin

Synergy Hacker.

ID 211720

Nate Gadgibalaev

CEO of @amplifr, the productivity suite for musicians, business development geek at @evil-martians, Rails shop in Moscow, Russia.

ID 116697

Denis Savitsky

Student at MIET, Moscow; working at ELINS as Ruby, Rails and VCS connections developer.

ID 439884

Andrey Rebrov

Agile coach. XP Maniac. Innovation games evangelist. Java/HTML/JS/... developer. Husband. Founder of Russian Craftsmanship Community

ID 342179

Dennis Trukhin

Founder and CTO of @major-aide and @feel-geekish. Developer. PHP, JavaScript, NodeJS, SQL, NoSQL, HTML. Graduated @lomonosov-moscow-state-university-1 .

ID 279825

Sergei Sokolov

Tech-head: built two startups, evolved many as a backend architect. Art-head: photographer and musician.

ID 382955

Sergey Bushmanov

Founder and CEO of Vnovation Electronics • Worked at @citigroup, @allianz Founder&CEO of StoneHedge Finance Group (Suisse), 5st startup run. Business Developer.

ID 106954

Sergey Gaydaychuk

Lead Android @kown-1, Full stack developer, Android, iOS, server-side (Java), but now prefer building on Android

ID 408300

Leonid Gonchukov

Server Dev at @beeo, Senior Engineer at Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute

ID 61533

Richard Francis

Motivated and entrepreneurial, always looking for new ideas; Strong technical background and managerial experience; Worked at MySpace and

ID 454793

Mike Farlenkov

Founder @bizcontacts-net, @connections

ID 100378

Shmavon Gazanchyan

PHP/JavaScript/C#/Python developer. BSc in Business Informatics, MSc in eBusiness and Innovation.

ID 454814

Sergey Ryabenko

Passionate and experienced backend, frontend and Android developer. Team leader, DevOps, scrum master. Founder @smartmeal • Worked at @lingualeo

ID 354179

Vitaliy Shopov

Founder UnitySales

ID 98490

Petr Prokop

MSU CS, Mobile Dev., Launched 5 successfull iOS apps, including Russian "Square"

ID 205382

Anastasia Bashkeeva

Worked at @accenture, @glavstart • Studied at @state-university-higher-school-of-economics

ID 526642


Chemist, programmer, Ruby developer. Passion to world changing things and edge technologies.

ID 409978

Ainar Abdrahmanov

Founder Online University for Parents

ID 177964

Vitaly Baum

Worked at @microsoft

ID 78153

Alexander Klimov

Geek, contemplator, musician.

ID 310891

Alexei Fedotov

Alexei and his technical team want to join a startup project to bring its bright future with their solid technology skills

ID 288414

Ivan Popov

London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Higher School of Economics student

ID 122215

Dmitriy Zaitsev

Student at Moscow Institute of Electronic Technique (MIET). Android (Java) developer. Studying IT over 7 years (of my 20).

ID 281148

Stanislav Vorobyev

CTO of PTB Progress

ID 153936

Eugene Agafonov

Head of Lingvo Web Development at @abbyy • Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET. C#, .NET and Web development expert.

ID 264753

Dmitry Shilyaev

Co-Founder of @justhost-ru, 4 years of entrepreneurship. Lead Dev @quest-software, @mks Instruments (project for DARPA). 10 years in Software Dev.

ID 268398

Andrey Scherbovich

product owner & co-founder at Arendorium • Worked at @epam-systems, @pixonic; Strong technical background and management skills.

ID 81287

Oleg Nozhichkin

I'm looking for interesting things. Also need some? Follow me or ask me what you are looking for! :) #photo #travel #internet #cars #sports

ID 183766

Andrey Bulachev

Founder @venturezlab • Studied at @moscow-state-institute-of-electronics-and-mathematics

ID 129757

Michael Korneev

I'm business owner and top qualified programmer.20 years I developed custom software for various companies/people,sometime alone, sometime as team chief.

ID 91437

Roman Kutanov

Founder @campaigner, Campaigner Labs

ID 570081


Founder Tazzr. Worked at @credit-suisse, @deutsche-bank. Studied at @lomonosov-moscow-state-university-1

ID 99852

Alexey Gadalin

Founder @kloudpics, worked at

ID 94417

Georgy Oleynik

Me is da best

ID 257903

Ivan Popelyshev

Developer of HTML5 MMO technology • Jedi_Knight at TopCoder • Co-Founder Bombermine • Worked at @yandex, @wargaming-net • Studied at @lomonosov-moscow-state-university-1

ID 361004

Александр Лёвин

Product architect, full stack development, team management

ID 278371

Konstantin Savenkov

PhD CS, Head of R&D at Dream Industries, left academia to push technology closer to people.

ID 574427

Vlad Kozin

Hacker School alum, Lisp/OCaml/F#/Factor/CoffeeScript, investment banker turned programmer

ID 258132

Dan Abramov

Won a @google contest for open source work in high school. Learned the web stack at @lifshits' gig. Now immersed in making @stampsy.

ID 506519

Igor Glotov

Worked at @jelastic, @mail-ru-group. Hardcore level at Java, JS, ObjC. Fanatic app developer for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Tizen. Winner of the iCTF 2008.

ID 664763

Vladimir Yashin

Back-end/middleware generalist with experience mainly networking and security domains both as developer and system engineer

ID 255149


Experienced IT professional. Experience in IT support/operations in various companies: from Russian SMBs to major MNC.

ID 272508

Stepan Filatov

SDE 2 at Microsoft Skype

ID 141335

Boris Ziatdinov

Worked at @the-elastic-platform, @1c-company • Studied at @lomonosov-moscow-state-university-1 University

ID 397573

Andrey Neverov

Skilled and motivated software developer. Experienced in building fast and reliable systems from scratch. Very energetic and ready to take on new challenges.

ID 666508

Anton Degtyarev

Professional in IP network operations and development; software engineer; experience in sales/pre-sales

ID 571295

Kirill Pimenov

Startup CTO (two have failed, the third succeeded). Physicist by education. Developing software for living (and managing development) for the last 10 years.

ID 279515

Michael Mukhin

Built & lead engineering @boomrat-1 • Worked @the-rubicon-project, @university-of-california-san-diego

ID 301676

Alexey Ermolaev

RSUH IR,business development ninja,hVe skills in hardware and software as well as in investments and programming.

ID 109738

Dmitry Skorinko

Project Manager, Software Architect, Teamlead. Mobile applications are my passion now.

ID 462905

Denis Golomazov

PhD in Computer Science. Researcher at Moscow State University. Web developer in Django. Main developer of ISTINA in MSU.

ID 680507

Denis Stepanov

ID 246150

Andrey Dmitriev

Head of Lingvo testing group at ABBYY. Strong IT background. Founder Lobster

ID 489234

Alexander S. Abramov

CTO of Garant Media, Worked at Microsoft

ID 529072

Sergei Kasatkin

M.S. in Coputer Science. B.S. in Automated systems of information processing and management. Xbees, Arduinos, Pattent recognition.

ID 550415

Vladimir Ovsyannikov

Sr Developer

ID 551646

Jelle Akkerman

Worked at @3plet, @dream-industries

ID 521511

Michael Kuryshev

Front end developer at @yolto-inc; worked at @billboard

ID 290977

Alexander Sorokin

SDE II @ Skype/Microsoft. C++, javascript, coffeescript, ruby, erlang. web frontend developer at the moment

ID 371374

Alexei Shein

Founder Mine; LAMP developer, server- and client-side programmer; proprietary ORM framework maintainer; international commerce specialist in past.

ID 441221

Alexander Retunskiy

Worked at @boldkit • Studied at @bauman-moscow-state-technical-university

ID 301366

Lev Pogosov

Founder @skillary @smsdar information architect | consulting | development

ID 315559

Alexander Mescheryakov

Product Designer at Brandymint, Front-End Engineer. Launched several iOS, Android and PhoneGap apps. Studied at @mipt

ID 488764

Vladislav Klyachin

Full stack generalist, 12 years in SaaS development, Master in Go and C++

ID 509121

Vincent Stark

Entrepreneur, engineer, with strong and diverse technology background.

ID 222276

Max Riveiro

Studied @moscow-aviation-institute. Geeky Russian developer. Backend Lead Developer at @cookwizme — mobile (iOS, Android) recipes startup with Ruby backend.

ID 242207

Gleb Polushkin

Founder @qstoq • Worked at @we-heart-pics, @wobot

ID 92390

Alexander Zhaboedov

Co-founder one of most experienced consulting company - DANIP. Consulted more than 80 investments-USD 0,8 bln. Succesfull deals with RU, EU and US companies.

ID 538950

Peter Leonov

Hardcore JavaScript developer. Experienced Ruby developer. Fanatic Perl developer, in past. Ready to invest in visa for an interesting project.

ID 489033

Wagan Sarukhanov

Hightech Creator, CEO Flexlab Ltd. We invented the notebook with size of a USB flash drive. µPC™ is the most protected personal computer in the world.

ID 375526

Oleg Balbekov

Founder of

ID 67970

Anri Asaturov

Team member of @citility.

ID 347266

Anton Velikanov

Founded Sand Sign, Strong technology background (Moscow Engineering Physics University), Co-Founder and CTO at PropHop.

ID 195113

Valery I. Prokofyev

Game R&D

ID 257892

Mark Zubovsky

Co-Founder Bombermine. IT-Entrepreneur, Coder (Frontend/Backend), UI/UX, Peopleware.

ID 561112

Roman Sovalov

Founder @highfives-1 • Worked at @microsoft, @aladdin-r-d

ID 502869

Mihail Klimin

Founder @myconomy

ID 441844

Konstantin Melnikov

Software Engineer and more. Broad mindset. 10+ years of software development experience. Math education.

ID 556669

Konstantin Kosmatov


ID 521502

Timur Gumirov

CTO at @yolto-inc; Worked at @badoo, Mamba

ID 451659

Vladimir Ryabchikov

Android Developer

ID 638394

Evgeny Bagdasaryan

BSc BMSTU, internship at Cisco, USA. Worked on a small start-up in Moscow developing new storage systems.

ID 652294

Vladislav Popov

ID 139057

Vladimir Filonov

@labbler core developer. Python/Django, Erlang/OTP, Javascript/jQuery/CoffeScript

ID 171189

Andrey Popp

Chief Troublemaker

ID 344903

Сергей Григорчук

Russian Engineer. We were first in space, remember? OK, I wasn't in that team actually :)

ID 436922

Andrew Zaitsev-Zotov

Co-founder @boldkit, Co-founded @bookmate '09, CTO @lookatme, R&D @mail-ru-group '01-'05, strong technology background

ID 643017

Andrey Pyankov

Private equity fund analyst -> Python developer

ID 556407

Sergei L

Worked at @pingwin-softare, @social-media-monitoring-3

ID 399579

Eugene Fedorov

Founder Drop Up, @pinefit-com • Worked at @rutube

ID 663879

Maxim Megabraza

I'm cocos2D/xcode developer,I can make iOS multiplayer game for iPhone+iPad&GPS/GLONASS mobile apps

ID 313943

Ivan Partsianka

Data Scientist

ID 364516

Maxim Gordeev

Working at Mail.Ru Group

ID 594526

Vasily Dubinin

MA in management. Self-taught developer.

ID 480416

Arseny Zarechnev

Front end hacker, node.js experimenter, occasional nomad, former founder OSS. Trying to understand and achieve business goals while still hacking code.

ID 596244

Pavel Nesmelov

8 years of PHP/JS/HTML expirience. Worked at

ID 499701

Andrey Pachay

Product developer

ID 701837

Nick Kupriiyanov

Ruby developer

ID 606411

Alexander Lobov

ID 616432

Aleksandr Grigorov

Founder, CTO at I.W. Interpreters Worldwide Ltd. Full-stack engineer.

ID 509894

Victor Kinelev

ID 353999

Ivan Pisklyukov

Founder of Archibase Planet, Founder and Developer of Ritmxoid Biorhythm Tool

ID 119382

Alexander Trakhimenok

Founder at Petamatic Ltd - a company behind and projects.

ID 473969

Popov Andrey

Founder @flats-houses, @bpautomations, @clockstock

ID 616591

Alexander Levashov

Founder @unium

ID 664133

Kirill Kalchenko

Front-end developer at Group

ID 415963

Vsevolod Seregin

PhD student at MGSU-MISI; chief engineer of MonArch; 4 years freelance front-end developer;

ID 287297

Alan Alvarado

Chief Technology Officer - Klink Mobile Inc

ID 438462

Denis Ermolin

ID 566576

Mihail Davydenkov

Automated work of Call-Center in bank, using RoR web API (using by ~ 500 operators)

ID 505355

Alexander Girin

implemented more than 30 projects in the field of electronic document management, workflow,HRMS Systems by, C#,Sharepoint

ID 697191

Andrey Chibisov

Worked at highload project of social network. Used to profile my code, such as tests and etc to make sure that it works and works fast. ( Golang & Cassandra )

ID 371966

Artem Slizhik


ID 547938

Andrey Yakubov

CTO in

ID 180996


Founder @intickle • Worked at @bss. Moscow State Technological University “Stankin“

ID 445397

Boris Yurkevich

Front-end Java, Web, iOS developer.

ID 410400

Anatoly Burtsev

Worked at google

ID 443510

Anton Seledets

ID 472265

Roman Nesterov

Full stack web development

ID 473970


ID 686351

Alya Pozdnyakova

iOS developer at Background in Web Development. Master of Science Degree.

ID 391876

Алексей Алексеев

IT-expert in URALSIB Corporation

ID 396529

Vladislav Stoyanov

ICQ iOS project that have more than 500k unique daily users.

ID 415397

Dmitry Tsoy

ID 622915

Paul Khaustov

Senior Software Engineer (Java) with 5 years experience. Worked at @jsc-ratingoff, @llc-cb-imoneybank. I'm looking for remote job.

ID 411535

Mikhail Fedosov

ID 398257

Alexander Krot


Worked at @askdroid

ID 415842

Konstantin Sergienko

ID 361078

Alexey Papulovskiy

Full stack web developer with a passion for data visualization

ID 333027

Svetlana Vinogradova

ID 370685


Looking for a great job...

ID 463825

Elena Merkulova

MSU; completed several goverment projects in ABBYY; outdoor fan

ID 689208

Anton Egorov

ID 330723

Ilnar Taichinov

Developer at Kaspersky lab.

ID 342979

Alexandr Dem'yanenko

ID 333524

Ivan Shornikov

Front-end developer for more than 5 years; ArtLebedev studio;;; HTML5 web applications

ID 236468

Michael Savelyev


ID 229789

Ilya Rudometov

Mobile @kown-1 • Lead Mobile @mail-ru-group

ID 288421

Damir Mukimov

This words will tell you (a little) who i am: songs, drumms, dancing, reading, writing poems, microelectronics, extreme sports, friends

ID 276470

Alexey Novikov

User interaction and experience scientist.

ID 177998

Gleb Kuznetsov


ID 265235

Oleg Botvenko

ID 270710


Universal IT soldier (frontend, backend, services, frameworks, cms etc)

ID 284218

Alexey Melnikov

Web apps/services ninja

ID 202740


Lead software developer at Yandex.

ID 272837

Vladimir Smirnov

Co-founder and CTO at @easysize

ID 167212

Andrew Red

Worked at @epam Systems, @alpari

ID 175523

Max Zhegulin

Strong background in FPGA design, SoC architectures, system level design, acceleration of computational algorithms.

ID 179882

Nickolay Yegorov

Software engineer; Worked at Yandex, currently an intern at Facebook.

ID 204321

Roman Spiridonov

Lead developer at Excursiopedia.

ID 177764

Maksim Ustinov

CTO of @smartstart @clipclock

ID 246680

Konstantin Chikarev

Founder Javarro

ID 214924

Nikolaev Nikolay

Senior RoR Developer

ID 274483

Ivan Lakshinsky

ID 288471

Artem Chernikov

self-educated, 10+ years in IT industry, 4+ years in software development

ID 263326

Alexey Zakhlestin

Founder Strong technical background. Contributor to various Open-source projects

ID 277067

Zhirayr Ghazarosyan

Launched 2 successful projects

ID 126489

Nikita Pestrov

iOS Developer, co-founder,

ID 95638

Dmitry Perevalov

ID 51059

Yevgeniy Anfilofyev

CTO of VAN Company, CEO of, strong IT background

ID 47813

Oleg Baskakov

Founder Loytz, @myvyoo, @carvard • Worked at @jbilling, @ActisWunderman,@neoflex, Nikita Games

ID 81296


I'm great developer and super designer.

ID 93960


ID 95288

Vadim Yeshkunov

Mobile Developer/Co-Founder Zingl

ID 112989

Viktor Vyalchin

Web-based UI developer

ID 169015

Kirill Muchow

Worked at @photo-time-machine

ID 665528

Dmitry Zagorul'kin

Have been working in banking with IT Sec system,Worked in QA automation,Now i'm working with highload distributed system which runs on erlang in investment

ID 102188

Sergey Prokhorov

Moscow - based software developer

ID 665479

Artur Teregulov

ASP.NET MVC Developer

ID 676916

Dmitry Losev

Founder and developer Compass. Worked at Imagine Investment Company, Absolute Investment Group, HSG Zander GmbH, Blackwood Real Estate.

ID 97302



ID 97244

Ivan Indamix

Startup Co-founder, Front End Engineer, Open-source Contributor

ID 68395

Andrey Torchinsky

Game developer.

ID 91539

ID 664103

Pavel Shevelyov

python/django developer

ID 165079

Евгений Уступкин

Informational Architect/Designer, Project Manager, Technical Director, Business Analyst. Journalism Degree (Far-Eastern State University, Vladivostok, Russian Federation )

ID 675331

Andrey Salomatin

Full stack professional; Passionate about programming communities, lean startup ideas and design.

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