Moscow Startups List

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Meet 12 web developer View everyone

ID 324274

Dmitry Kabanov

A web/music geek that's into web broadcasting, content strategy, startup packaging and seed accelerators. Plus I curate Moscow @startupdigest and @StartupGenome

ID 41066

Raman Shalupau

Web engineering.

ID 270676

Sergey Nebolsin

CTO & Co-founder of

ID 198714

Batiy Ilia

Team Lead of Extranet development team at Applied Math bachelor degree. Kick-ass full stack developer.

ID 167212

Andrew Red

Worked at @epam Systems, @alpari

ID 248446

Alex Kulakov

Co-founded Worked as UI designer at CFT, Usethics.

ID 35722

Denis Egorov

Founder @musthaver

ID 111095

Andrey Ugleff

PM at Group (42.000.000 daily users). I have both strong technical background (developer) and manager skills.

ID 47813

Oleg Baskakov

Founder Loytz, @myvyoo, @carvard • Worked at @jbilling, @ActisWunderman,@neoflex, Nikita Games

ID 313425

Alexander Axyaitov

Founder ParLand

ID 652294

Vladislav Popov

ID 116697

Denis Savitsky

Student at MIET, Moscow; working at ELINS as Ruby, Rails and VCS connections developer.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);